
Hornton 6 Report, by Graham Bridges

Hornton 6 Miles, July 21st

  Checking my previous Strava entries for the Hornton 6, they all seemed to feature the words ‘hot and hilly’ in the title. This tells you 3 things: that I have very little imagination, that the race takes place at the height of summer, and that it’s about as hilly a race as you’ll find in Oxfordshire. This year’s event, the 30th anniversary, was no exception, and the Strava history had the added bonus of indicating how much slower I was than in previous years, but that’s another story. ...
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10 Peaks Report by Nick Sheard

10 Peaks - 23 June 2018

Midges may be small but they hunt in packs. And they were hunting me, releasing pheromones to attract other midges, my carbon dioxide a magnet for them. Swarming, pregnant females biting, hungry for protein. I was hungry for flapjack at Checkpoint 1 of the 10 Peaks race in the Lake District. ...
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White Horse Half Marathon Report, by Simon Walker

White Horse Half Marathon - April 8th

On the brink of my 13th birthday, in 1986, I retired from half marathons. A hat-trick completed towards the end of the first ‘jogging’ craze and before youth running rules were invented.  Fast forward to 2011 and I did my first half marathon as a runner and a proud Eynsham Road Runner at that. It was the White Horse Half. ...
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Buckingham Half Marathon Report, by Toby Goss

Buckingham half marathon – Sunday 8th April 2018

This was only my second half marathon since I started running in earnest around a year ago, and since joining the club at the beginning of the year. Very kindly, Becky Evins was giving me a lift! It was already warm relatively early in the morning, and I was preparing myself to sweat a lot and take full advantage of the drinks stations. ...
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Maidenhead 10 miles Report, by Nick Hardwick


Maidenhead 10 – Friday 30th March 2018

  A new race for me personally and after some child minding juggling was off with a full van load of other keen early rises. The weather, it being a bank holiday was due to be completely erratic and lugging round a bag with a complete change of clothes did feel slightly over prepared. After finding the race location which was a business park on the outskirts of maidenhead, we joined the snaky queue to pick up our race numbers, once sorted it was to join another long snaky queue for the mandatory toilet stop. Once ready and warmed up nicely(leg muscles anyway) we were notified of a fifteen minute delay for the start which initiated another queue for the toilet, more jogging up and down or mainly just pre-race chatting. ...
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Cirencester Cross Country Report, by Jane Garton

Cirencester XC, 7 February 2016   I’m new to cross country, and throughout the four miles of hellish quagmire that was Horspath in January I swore ‘never again’ and really meant it. I swore a lot in fact. But the mind is a funny thing… and so it was that just a day or two later I found myself ordering a pair of spikes – and a few weeks later, after a Saturday of non-stop rain, I’m setting off into the hellish quagmire that is XC round 4 in Cirencester.  ...
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