New Runners, Pilates for Runners, Mental Health and More…

Hi Everyone,


I hope that, in the main, things are going well for you.

Looking back at June, we have been very busy with high-participation club activities, from photo-competitions to team relays to our 15th Pilates for Runners… and a brilliant Friday night Quiz from Graham and Richard.  Underneath the surface too, we’re busy, with our new ‘You Can Run’ new runner program (starting July 29th – see below for details), web updates, recruitment and mental health championship, all being in very active and enthusiastic planning phases.

From the chair it’s really great how passionate and engaged we are as a club! Together as a committee, a broader group of hard working, inspiring volunteers and our entire membership – it is always great to get your feedback, ideas and participation – what you like and what we can improve together for your running club.

I hope that this update gives you a flavour of where we are and where we’re planning to go next.

Please shout if I’ve missed anything!


Best wishes, on behalf of your committee,




New runners – introducing ‘You Can Run’ 

Eynsham Road Runners would like to actively support, with a 10 week program, those with a spark of interest and sprinkle of motivation in taking up running, for connection, health and maybe to join our club too.

We’ will welcome a group of 5 ‘new to running’ or ‘returning to running’ runners on July 29th. This will be under Marisa’s lead with enthusiastic support from the student coaches (Phil, Nic C, Ian H, Tara and Simon). We plan to reach out to The Eynsham Medical Group as well as to club friends, family and our local communities.

If you you would like to, or if you have a friend, relative or neighbour who would like to, run then please contact Marisa at

This practical, supportive and encouraging course runs over a period of 10 weeks and is designed to help you run to that 5k finishing post. It’s our take on the ‘couch to 5k’ programme, But we have decided to call it “YOU CAN RUN”.

We hope this will be the first of many courses.

We have a total of 5 places available on the first course (social distancing prevails). Please register at RunTogether or click here for more details. The cost s £25 for the 10 week course.


Pilates for Runners update

Well, my email inbox, like my core, is stronger due to a volume of repeated and focussed exercise! I asked you what Pilates Live with Frankie Snare for the past 15 weeks has meant to you… in one word – LOTs – to your routine, connection, education, motivation, rest from the laptop, a forced ending to your working day, reduced injury risk and improved running form – as well as getting to know Martin’s garage and Nigel’s sister-in-law from Scotland – therefore Frankie will be back on July 15th At 6:30pm. 

When I’ve done a few more ‘opening of the clam’ exercises (opening your brilliant e-mails), we will use your feedback to promote participation (assuming that’s OK with you all?).

Those who haven’t tried the Pilates – as you can see it comes HIGHLY recommended!

We will likely be asking you (subject to your final feedback) for a contribution per lesson/ connection of £3-4 per session from August. More details to follow.


Mental Health Champion

We’re delighted that Nigel Fisher will be our Mental Health Champion. Nigel has engaged a team of 5 mental health advocates also – Nick H, Stan, Andy P, Rachel, Ian H.

The team is working on its plan and there will be more news on that soon.


Getting back to in person activities

Current guidance allows up to 6 runners or 1 coach plus 5 runners to run together in a socially distant (>2m between runners ) manner. More details here.

The club officers and coach and helpers have developed a criteria of measurable items (e.g. 20 plus can meet as per government guidance) that will need to be achieved before we can begin to get back to more club in person activities such as club night, coaching and new runner events (which as you can see above is now possible with 1 coach plus 5 runners)

In addition, we are developing risk analysis and reduction measures so that, when the criteria is met, we can meet safely – reducing the risk of infection – and sensibly.

We’ll continue to update you on that in the near term, and as the situation continues to unfold.

As an England Athletics affiliated club our view and activities are shaped by their guidance. You can find the latest information here.


Web-site and race reports

We have a lot of new content on-line which we hope to use to engage some new members. You will see a “New Members” menu bar which includes our scheduled events as well as Q&As for prospective members.

You will also see a new section for Race Reports with two excellent reports from early riser Kathryn Dally and super-cool Kate Williamson for your reading pleasure. Hopefully you’ve had the chance to check out the Gallery which Graham has updated – some wonderful photos!


Thanks to Kate W, Alison C, Graham, Jane and Nick for the web-site spring clean. A next focus we will have is on recruitment.

We hope that the front page text also summarises what you see our club to be…?

Thinking of taking up running? Want to improve your times or meet new people to train with? Whether you want to run-walk or win races, you’ll get a very warm welcome at Eynsham Roadrunners.

We’re a friendly running club and community offering you encouragement, practical support and inspiration to reach your running and health goals – whatever they are.


The Virtual Ridgeway and Club Marathon Relays

Thanks to Graham for organising such a brilliant and participative event on Sunday 5th July.

Thanks to Alison for setting up the What’s App groups – that added to the fun with loads of team encouragement throughout the day.


There were 39 teams…

ERR A finished 3rd in 10 hours 22 (Witney were 4th)

ERR B 5th in 11:19

ERR C 21st in 13:00

ERR D 33rd in 14:13

Absolutely brilliant!!


Thanks to Jacky and Graham for organising the mid-week marathon challenges. 50 Participants, 5 Marathons and over 125 miles per hour! Full results here. Congrats to The Bolters!


Looking forward to seeing you soon!


Best wishes,




Eynsham Road Runners, Club Chair
