Winslow 10k Report by Kathryn Dally
It was a bright, breezy and chilly morning for the Winslow 10k on 25 th February.
I drove from Cumnor, with Ros, Marina and Alison for company and, having not run the race before, we were surprised by the twisty cross-country pot-holed route to get there (not helped by various road closures and diversions due to HS2 works).
For a race that wasn’t on our doorstep, there was a good ERR turn-out, especially from the men. As there were only six ERR women racing it was a good day to play your joker (especially in my case – having joined the club in 2019, it’s the first time that I’ve actually remembered to play my joker).
Here are some of us assembled on the start-line (thanks to Justin for never travelling without his phone)!

It’s a great race, all on roads, through the undulating Buckinghamshire countryside. With only 228 finishers, it felt pretty low-key (no chip-timing, and cotton t-shirts and bananas for the finishers)! The views were lovely and the uphill sections didn’t feel that bad, although the last half-mile climb was a bit of a sting in the tail. See below for the race elevation.

Congratulations go to Tom on achieving a PB (36.27), to Robert (for winning the MV50) category and to Ros (for 2nd place, FV55 category). Congratulations also to Alison for racing at all, given that she had run a mere 20 miles the day before. And finally, more congratulations and hugs to Marina, who was running in memory of her beloved dog Millie who died just two days earlier and is much-missed.
See here for photos and here for the full results