
Bletchingdon Motavation Results

A very pleasant evening for the ups and downs of the Bletchingdon course made for a decent turnout overall and for the ERR contingent. We've already spotted a couple of errors in the official results, which have been corrected below and reported to the organisers. If you know of any others, please let me know.
Position Name Net Time Also
44 Thomas BAKER 25:26
49 Dafydd WARBURTON 25:47
64 Benedict POLLARD 26:30
83 Kerry PAPPS 26:48
86 Graham BRIDGES 27:00
124 Elizabeth MCALLISTER 28:06
128 Matt DANIELS 28:12
163 Andy PIKE 29:59
183 Toby GOSS 30:53
202 Nick HARDWICK 31:22
226 Nadine HUNTER 32:03
232 Alison CRAGGS 32:16
259 John ROWLAND 33:32
270 Ben BREAKER 33:45
281 Owen HUGHES 34:10
291 Hugh MORRIS 34:56
297 Jennie LANKSFORD 34:46
298 Simon WALKER 34:47
305 Tara LAWFULL 35:11
312 Marina BARLOW-OAKES 35:54
319 Jacqueline PINNOCK 36:44
326 Kate WILLIAMSON 36:54 1st LV75
327 Jane GARTON 36:51
331 Claire HAZLETON 37:07
345 Steve BUTLER 38:01
352 Gail MORRIS 38:50
355 Kathryn DALLY 39:18
372 Martin JOHNSON 40:49
381 Elaine BUTLER 40:52
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Sri Chinmoy 2 Mile Results

A very pleasant atmosphere and even some decent weather at Cutteslowe for this mad dash. Well done to the various category placers, and to Laura for being the first woman home.  
Position First name Last name Time Also
4 Tom Baker 11.32 3rd SM
7 Robert Storey 11.57 1st MV50
10 Mark Tyrrell 12.22 3rd MV40
13 Graham Bridges 12.36 2nd MV50
14 Philip Hurst 12.40 3rd MV50, Joker
20 Laura Leach 13.14 1st Lady, Joker
30 Toby Goss 14.00
37 Justin Byworth 14.36
51 Alison Craggs 15.44
52 Jane Garton 15.51 3rd WV50
53 Marina Barlow-Oakes 15.57
55 Rosamond Hall 16.19 1st WV60
69 Jacky Pinnock 17.18 3rd WV60
71 Kate Williamson 17.24 1st WV70
77 Claire Hazleton 18.07
81 Martin Johnson 18.46 Joker
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Charlton Mota-vation Results

With the cars sliding around in the field and everyone in waterproofs and hats, it was more like a cross country fixture than the start of the summer series. Still, good to be back at Charlton and to see quite a few ERR newcomers to this event. Let's hope that the rest of the fixtures are in rather more appropriate conditions for the season. Well done to Queenie for winning her category - in it to win it, and all that.  
Position Name Net Time Also
33 Bradley CLEVELAND 00:31:01
37 Thomas BAKER 00:31:16
40 Mark TYRRELL 00:31:20
54 Dafydd WARBURTON 00:32:05
75 Richard HUME 00:32:55
97 Paul HARRINGTON 00:33:46
101 Benedict POLLARD 00:33:50
111 Xavier LAURENT 00:34:27
116 Matt DANIELS 00:34:22
139 Graham BRIDGES 00:35:26
156 Adam CLILVERD 00:36:12
169 Andy PIKE 00:36:57
181 Toby GOSS 00:37:21
206 Philip HURST 00:37:55
250 Nick HARDWICK 00:40:21
264 Jane GARTON 00:40:56
268 Jennie LANKSFORD 00:41:30
269 John ROWLAND 00:41:35
296 Colin HANCOX 00:42:40
299 Tara LAWFULL 00:43:12
306 Jacqueline PINNOCK 00:43:09
316 Hugh MORRIS 00:44:08
320 Kate WILLIAMSON 00:44:02 1st LV75
329 Claire HAZLETON 00:44:37
372 Gail MORRIS 00:48:32
424 Helen RHODES 01:03:00
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Maidenhead 10 Mile Results

A decent ERR turnout for what is a fast course and quality field at Maidenhead. Well done to those who set PBs, and it was clearly a bit of a joker day, so let me know if I missed any.  
Position Name Net Time Also
58 Tom Baker 1:02:10 Joker, PB
79 Graham Bridges 1:04:00 PB
88 Richard Hume 1:04:51 Joker, PB
98 Mark Tyrrell 1:05:15
267 Toby Goss 1:16:34
294 Alison Craggs 1:18:25 Joker, PB
299 Katherine Bates 1:18:36
371 Jane Garton 1:23:14 Joker
407 Rosamond Hall 1:24:58
455 Colin Hancox 1:27:48 Joker
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Henley Cross Country Results

Strangely dry conditions on the hilly Henley course. The ERR contingent were boosted by the first appearance of the season for Nick and Laura Leach, the first cross country race in living memory for Justin, and the return of Robert, who showed us what we've been missing by leading the men's team home. As a result, the ERR men were top of Division 2 on the day, and 2nd for the season, so a possible promotion, although none of us quite knows how that works. The ERR ladies improved to 7th in Division 1 on the day, but still finished 9th and last for the season. I think we know what happens there... Congratulations to Alexander Daniels, who didn't run at Henley but had still done enough to finish 3rd for the season in the U9 Boys category and to err, me, who managed to cling on the 3rd MV50 for the season. Anyway, here are the day's results:  
U13 Girls
24 Isabel Daniels 14.32
52 Robert Storey 31.31
55 Tom Baker 31.37
58 Mark Tyrrell 31.58
61 Graham Bridges 32.02
68 Kerry Papps 32.15
90 Dafydd Warburton 33.28
92 Matt Daniels 33.29
106 Nick Sheard 34.27
110 Phil Hurst 35.00
121 Nick Leach 35.29
136 Toby Goss 36.30
144 Andy Pike 37.24
154 Owen Hughes 38.19
156 Justin Byworth 38.38
158 Nick Hardwick 38.52
191 Howard Humphris 42.31
200 Colin Hancox 43.55
213 Martin Johnson 51.38
16 Laura Leach 34.08
47 Kate Daniels 38.26
60 Anya Aspinall 40.32
100 Jacky Pinnock 45.10
114 Claire Hazleton 48.14
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Guiting Power Cross Country Results

Rather more pleasant conditions for this year's visit to the Cotswold Farm Park, although the course was still pretty challenging. Another pretty decent performance by the ERR men resulted in finishing in 2nd place in Division 2 on the day, so promotion may still be a possibility. The ERR ladies were 9th in Division 1 on the day, which probably doesn't improve their position for the season.  
U9 Boys/Girls
6 Alexander Daniels
U13 Girls
23 Isabel Daniels 17.06
37 Mark Haigh 32.42
54 Kerry Papps 34.20
58 Tom Baker 34.44
73 Graham Bridges 35.16
77 Dafydd Warburton 35.27
100 Matt Daniels 36.44
118 Nick Sheard 38.07
129 Phil Hurst 38.51
139 Toby Goss 39.42
153 Andy Pike 40.52
158 Nick Hardwick 41.18
185 Owen Hughes 43.28
201 Howard Humphris 46.12
215 Colin Hancox 49.03
223 Keith Baker 54.18
225 Martin Johnson 55.16
11 Liz McAllister 36.34 2nd LV35
35 Kate Daniels 40.00
96 Jacky Pinnock 48.52
100 Jane Garton 49.33
103 Rain Newton-Smith 50.39
112 Claire Hazleton 52.42
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Shotover Cross Country Results

Mud, hills, a ditch of uncertain depth, and another torrential downpour to accompany the women's race - it was all there at Shotover. Welcome back to Liz, and a nice gentle introduction into the joys of cross country for Dave. The improved turn-out all round meant that the ERR men's A team finished top of Division 2 on the day, while the ladies were 9th in Division 1.  
U9 Boys and Girls
2 Alexander Daniels 2nd U9 boy
U13 Girls
31 Isabel Daniels 17.04
41 Mark Haigh 31.30
73 Tom Baker 34.14
84 Kerry Papps 34.48
88 Mark Tyrrell 35.06
92 Dafydd Warburton 35.17
96 Graham Bridges 35.39
116 Matt Daniels 36.39
144 David Hemprich-Bennett 38.05
156 Phil Hurst 38.59
161 Xavier Laurent 39.23
166 Toby Goss 39.44
193 Andy Pike 41.18
240 Owen Hughes 44.46
255 Howard Humphris 47.59
266 Colin Hancox 49.11
16 Liz McAllister 36.53 1st LV35
49 Kate Daniels 40.52
75 Anya Aspinall 44.35
96 Tara Lawfull 46.12
127 Jacky Pinnock 49.58
146 Rain Newton-Smith 52.27
167 Kate Welsby 60.32
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Parkrun Month 2023 Standings

Great to see so many people out there for the last week. Here are the final standings . As ever, if yours is missing, please let me know.  
  01-Jan 07-Jan 14-Jan 21-Jan 28-Jan  
Name Where Time Where Time Where Time Where Time Where Time Fastest
Tom Baker Dulwich 18.21 Eastville 19.28 Uni Parks 18.30 Uni Parks 17.34 17.34
Mark Tyrrell Uni Parks 18.42 Uni Parks 20.16 Uni Parks 18.25 18.25
Graham Bridges Uni Parks 19.23 Oxford 20.20 Cannon Hill 19.49 Uni Parks 18.35 18.35
Kerry Papps Harcourt Hill 19.33 Harcourt Hill 18.52 18.52
Robert Storey Uni Parks 19.09 19.09
Bradley Cleveland Uni Parks 19.12 19.12
Richard Hume Uni Parks 20.52 Harcourt Hill 24.26 Oxford 22.04 Uni Parks 20.19 Uni Parks 19.19 19.19
Dafydd Warburton Oxford 19.20 19.20
Matt Daniels Horspath 30.18 Uni Parks 19.54 Bushy Park 24.13 19.54
Paul Harrington Harcourt Hill 22.09 Harcourt Hill 21.26 Harcourt Hill 22.03 Lowestoft 20.00 20.00
Xavier Laurent Uni Parks 20.22 20.22
Ant Green Uni Parks 21.12 Uni Parks 21.15 Oxford 20.30 20.30
Nick Sheard Oxford 21.27 Rothay Park 22.30 Harcourt Hill 22.19 Cannon Hill 20.36 20.36
Liz McAllister Harcourt Hill 33.32 Harcourt Hill 20.41 20.41
Phil Hurst Uni Parks 30.10 Uni Parks 20.44 20.44
Kate Daniels Horspath 26.16 Uni Parks 21.44 Uni Parks 21.42 Bushy Park 20.46 Milton Keynes 21.03 20.46
Laura Leach Oxford 22.36 Oxford 21.03 21.03
Toby Goss Oxford 22.12 Harcourt Hill 22.19 Harcourt Hill 21.32 Harcourt Hill 21.45 21.32
Andy Pike Oxford 22.59 Oxford 22.01 22.01
Simon Walker Oxford 22.03 22.03
Justin Byworth Oxford 22.34 Harcourt Hill 22.05 22.05
Ben Breaker Harcourt Hill 26.02 Uni Parks 24.22 Uni Parks 22.35 22.35
Marie Chuilon Harcourt Hill 22.51 22.51
Katherine Bates Uni Parks 25.12 Uni Parks 24.30 Cannon Hill 28.51 Uni Parks 23.41 23.41
Nadine Hunter Oxford 24.11 24.11
Adam Clilverd Aylesbury 28.06 Harcourt Hill 24.27 Chipping Norton 28.28 Rogiet 26.26 Bicester 26.29 24.27
Jane Garton Harcourt Hill 52.20 Harcourt Hill 25.32 Uni Parks 24.42 24.42
Jonathan Marks Oxford 25.23 Oxford 24.42 24.42
John Rowland Harcourt Hill 26.37 Harcourt Hill 26.20 Harcourt Hill 24.53 Harcourt Hill 25.22 24.53
Owen Hughes Grove Fields 25.19 25.19
Alison Craggs Oxford 25.19 25.19
Gemma Ferrier Oxford 25.35 Rothay Park 27.05 Cannon Hill 25.41 25.35
Mark O'Callaghan Uni Parks 26.32 Uni Parks 26.28 Uni Parks 25.37 25.37
Colin Hancox Oxford 26.47 Harcourt Hill 26.51 Harcourt Hill 25.37 25.37
Nigel Fisher Oxford 26.24 26.24
Tara Lawfull Horspath 26.46 26.46
Jacky Pinnock Oxford 26.58 26.58
Claire Hazleton Uni Parks 27.13 27.13
Kate Williamson Oxford 27.17 27.17
Kathryn Dally Southampton 28.17 Oak Hill 29.24 Bath Skyline 44.21 Fulham Palace 29.24 Arrow Valley 28.07 28.07
Claire Moss Oxford 28.17 28.17
Tony Whitlock Oxford 28.37 28.37
Antony Hey Oxford 28.51 28.51
Caroline Ogden Oxford 47.11 Oxford 29.16 Horspath 32.02 Oxford 29.07 29.07
Martin Johnson Oxford 29.53 Harcourt Hill 29.18 Horspath 30.24 29.18
Hugh Morris Harcourt Hill 29.33 29.33
Sheila Gascoigne Oxford 29.55 Horspath 32.05 Oxford 29.59 Oxford 31.30 29.55
Marina Barlow-Oakes Oxford 47.12 Harcourt Hill 30.31 30.31
Jane Whitlock Oxford 30.47 30.47
Diane Hubbert Oxford 31.29 31.29
Larry Poole Oxford 31.52 Oxford 31.29 31.29
Kate Welsby Harcourt Hill 33.37 Harcourt Hill 34.09 Harcourt Hill 32.12 Harcourt Hill 32.53 32.12
Paul Creasey Oxford 35.02 Harcourt Hill 37.28 Harcourt Hill 34.44 Harcourt Hill 36.00 34.44
Mark Creasey Oxford 34.46 Harcourt Hill 37.19 Uni Parks 37.23 Chipping Norton 38.17 Oxford 40.03 34.46
Ted German Oxford 35.40 35.40
Jenny McGibbon Oxford 36.49 36.49
Charmian Maskell Ashford 46.29 46.29
Diane Creasey Harcourt Hill 51.20 Harcourt Hill 53.21 51.20
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Mark’s Run Results

Well, that was fun, in a chilly sort of way. Thanks to everyone who took part in both runs, as well as all the marshals and timekeepers, and those who offered an impromptu taxi service to and from the woods. A good way to honour the memories of both Mark and Roger, especially with the trip to the pub afterwards. The times for the longer run are below. As this was the last club championship race of the year, your joker will be automatically played if it hadn't already been.  
Position Name Time Also
1 Tom Baker 41:05
2 Graham Bridges 41:44
3 David Hemprich-Bennett 42:24 Joker
4 Dafydd Warburton 44:26 Joker
5 Mark Tyrrell 44:34 Joker
6 Ant Green 45:08
7 Richard Hume 45:40 Joker
8 Phil Hurst 46:13 Joker
9 Simon Walker 46:40
10 Stephane Paulus 47:50
11 Andy Pike 47:57 Joker
12 Justin Byworth 48:19 Joker
13 Nick Hardwick 49:28 Joker
14 Owen Hughes 50:56 Joker
15 Alison Craggs 51:14
16 Jonathan Marks 53:11 Joker
17 Colin Hancox 54:11
18 Tara Lawfull 54:27
19 Howard Humphris 55:02 Joker
20 Jacky Pinnock 55:27
21 Andy Egan 57:17
22 Kate Williamson 58:02
23 Martin Johnson 60:52
24 Claire Mallindine 62:00
25 Elaine Butler 65:05
26 Ali Berrett 65:47 Joker
27 Rachel Green 66:13
28 Adrian Pinnock 69:07 Joker
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Cross Country Handicap Comp 2022/23

Here are the final standings, which mean congratulations to Nick as the overall winner and Jacky for taking the women's prize. The presentations will take place at some point, and hopefully there will be rewards for those who did all 5 races.  
Name Newbury Cirencester Shotover Guiting Henley Best 4
Nick Sheard 49 50 50 50 199
Kerry Papps 50 49 49 49 197
Toby Goss 48 49 48 47 48 193
Owen Hughes 46 48 31 41 47 182
Mark Haigh 33 47 50 48 178
Graham Bridges 39 39 42 44 46 171
Matt Daniels 41 40 43 40 44 168
Jacky Pinnock 43 41 35 43 37 164
Phil Hurst 45 35 38 36 42 161
Colin Hancox 38 44 33 34 40 156
Tom Baker 40 37 41 35 36 154
Howard Humphris 35 36 30 42 39 152
Claire Hazleton 44 33 33 33 143
Kate Daniels 36 32 39 31 138
Keith Baker 47 43 45 135
Tara Lawfull 42 42 47 131
Anya Aspinall 37 44 45 126
Martin Johnson 46 37 32 115
Mark Tyrrell 34 39 38 111
Nick Hardwick 38 31 28 97
Dafydd Warburton 34 32 30 96
Kate Welsby 45 45 90
Andy Pike 29 30 29 88
Rain Newton-Smith 37 46 83
Xavier Laurent 31 46 77
Liz McAllister 36 38 74
Jane Garton 32 29 61
Nick Leach 43 43
Robert Storey 41 41
Dave Hemprich-Bennett 40 40
Justin Byworth 35 35
Laura Leach 34 34
Simon Walker 34 34
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