Club Records

These are the fastest times recorded by people competing ‘first claim’ for Eynsham Roadrunners in road races (let Graham Bridges know if you know otherwise!)


 5k  Dan Lewis 16:22    Alchester  2018
 (Mark Tyrrell     16:27    Cottisford  2014)
 5 mile  Jonathon Goodhand  26:30    Headington  2000
 10k  Jonathon Goodhand 33:20    Woodcote  1999
 10 mile  Andy Grove 57:08    Bournemouth  1998
 Half  Marathon  Phillipe Goncalves 1:12:20    Fleet  1991
 15 mile  Phillipe Goncalves    1:29:50    Bourton  1991
 20 mile  Andy Grove  2:04:43    Reading  1999
 Marathon  Ben Cook 2:43:58    Riga  2022
 (Andy Grove  2:49:24    London  1999)


 5k  Hannah Hale  18:39    Cottisford  2014
(Denise Bridges 21:09    Cottisford  2011)
 5 mile  Hannah Hale 31:11    Hanney  2014
(Denise Bridges 32:12    Didcot  2014)
(Denise Bridges 33:17    Hanney  2013)
(Sheila Gascoigne 33:59    Headington  1990)
 10k  Hannah Hale 38:17    Eynsham  2016
(Denise Bridges 39:58    Muszyna  2012)
(Michelle Ryan 41:54    Town & Gown  2003)
(Sheila Gascoigne 42:52    Kidlington  1991)
 10 mile  Kate Allred 1:06:31    Witney  2019
(Hannah Hale 1:06:42    Witney  2014)
(Lesley Parry-Jones 1:13:44    Gloucester  2008)
(Sheila Gascoigne 1:13:50    Witney  1991)
 Half Marathon  Kate Allred 1:25:00    Edinburgh  2022
(Hannah Hale 1:26:20    Oxford  2015)
(Hannah Hale 1:28:50    White Horse  2014)
(Sandra Wolanksi 1:31:19    Lake Vyrnwy  2003)
(Sandra Wolanski 1:31:45    Highworth  1997)
 15 miles  Hannah Hale  1:40:43    Banbury  2015
(Sandra Wolanski 1:46:57    Banbury  1997)
 20 miles  Hannah Hale 2:22:54    Bramley  2017
(Sandra Wolanski 2:25:10    Reading  1998)
Marathon  Kate Allred 3:03:40    Abingdon  2019
(Liz McAllister 3:11:17    Abingdon  2017)
(Hannah Hale 3:12:59    York  2014)
(Denise Bridges 3:16:32    Abingdon  2013)
(Sandra Wolanski 3:27:40    Cardiff  2002)

Here are the club records for each of the various age categories (which were instigated in c. 2015). The entries in brackets refer to the previous record in any given category, as far as we have been able to track down the information. Again, let Graham Bridges know if you have any updates or are aware of any missing information.

Update (December 2024): the committee decided that any age category records which were also faster than any records in younger categories should also stand in those younger categories. After all, if you’re an LV45, you’re also eligible to break records in the LV35 category, for example.

Men (age category records):

Distance Category Time Who Where When
5k SM 16:27 Mark Tyrrell Cottisford 2014
MV40 16:22 Dan Lewis Alchester 2018
(16:52 Robert Storey Cottisford 2014)
MV50 17:10 Robert Storey Cottisford 2015
MV60 20:49 Larry Poole Waddesdon 2009
MV70 26:08 Paul Creasey Cottisford 2015
5m SM 26:30 Jonathan Goodhand Headington 2000
MV40 27:55 Robert Storey Hanney 2014
MV50 28:34 Robert Storey Didcot 2017
(28:59 Tony Whitlock Didcot 2005)
MV60 34:01 Mark Creasey Didcot 2015
MV70 43:47 Paul Creasey Hanney 2016
(44:38 Paul Creasey Headington 2015)
10k SM 33:20 Jonathan Goodhand Woodcote 1999
MV40 34:09 Dan Lewis Eynsham 2017
(35:07 Robert Storey Eynsham 2014)
MV50 35:21 Robert Storey Winslow 2015
MV60 41:51 Mark Creasey Stratford 2015
(41:53 Larry Poole Eynsham 2006)
MV70 53:22 Paul Creasey Winslow 2015
10m SM 57:08 Andy Grove Bournemouth 1998
MV40 59:30 Robert Storey Witney 2011
MV50 1:00:20 Robert Storey Witney 2017
(1:03:44 Robert Storey Witney 2015)
(1:03:57 Tony Whitlock Salisbury 2005)
MV60 1.09:39 Larry Poole Witney 2006
MV70 1:38:22 Paul Creasey Witney 2017
Half Marathon SM 1:12.20 Philippe Goncalves Fleet 1991
MV40 1:18:25 Robert Storey White Horse 2011
MV50 1:19:01 Robert Storey Oxford 2017
(1:27:17 Tony Whitlock Kenilworth 2005)
MV60 1:31:06 Larry Poole Swindon 2006
MV70 2:03:03 Paul Creasey Oxford 2015
Marathon SM 2:43:58 Ben Cook Riga 2022
(2:49:24 Andy Grove London 1999)
MV40 2:49:25 Robert Storey Abingdon 2011
MV50 3:01:52 Robert Storey Abingdon 2024
(3:05:52 Robert Storey Barcelona 2015)
MV60 3:23:00 Larry Poole Abingdon 2006

Women (age category records):

Distance Category Time Who Where When
5k SL 18:39 Hannah Hale Cottisford 2014
LV35 19:23 Kate Allred Alchester 2019
(21:09 Denise Bridges Charndon 2011)
LV45 19:23 Kate Allred Alchester 2019
(21:16 Kate Allred Waddesdon 2017)
(21:16 Kate Allred Alchester 2017)
(21:39 Katherine Bates Charndon 2011)
LV55 20:39 Katherine Bates Alchester 2017
(22:52 Jacky Pinnock Cottisford 2015)
LV65 22:21 Kate Williamson Charndon 2011
LV75 25:33 Kate Williamson Cumnor 2022
5m SL 31:11 Hannah Hale Hanney 2014
LV35 31:16 Kate Allred Didcot 2019
(32:12 Denise Bridges Didcot 2014)
(33:17 Denise Bridges Hanney 2013)
LV45 31:16 Kate Allred Didcot 2019
(32:06 Kate Allred Hanney 2018)
(33:42 Kate Allred Didcot 2017)
(35:54 Katherine Bates Hanney 2010)
LV55 34:53 Katherine Bates Didcot 2017
(35:44 Kate Williamson Hanney 2006)
LV65 36:29 Kate Williamson Headington 2014
LV75 40:25 Kate Williamson Headington 2021
10k SL 38:17 Hannah Hale Eynsham 2016
(38:50 Hannah Hale Eynsham 2014)
LV35 39:02 Liz McAllister Eynsham 2018
(39:32 Liz McAllister Eynsham 2017)
(39:58 Denise Bridges Muszyna 2012)
LV45 39:38 Kate Allred Oxford 2018
(43:31 Katherine Bates Dorney 2009)
(45:21 Sheila Gascoigne Eynsham 2005)
LV55 43:04 Katherine Bates Eynsham 2018
(43:35 Kate Williamson Bourton 2008)
LV65 45:20 Kate Williamson Bourton 2013
LV75 50:34 Kate Williamson Town & Gown 2021
10m SL 1:06:31 Kate Allred Witney 2019
(1:06:42 Hannah Hale Witney 2014)
LV35 1:06:31 Kate Allred Witney 2019
(1:06:39 Liz McAllister Witney 2019)
(1:08:32 Liz McAllister Witney 2016)
(1:08:55 Denise Bridges Maidenhead 2013)
LV45 1:06:31 Kate Allred Witney 2019
(1:09:02 Kate Allred Witney 2018)
(1:14:25 Katherine Bates Gloucester 2008)
LV55 1:13:45 Katherine Bates Witney 2017
(1:16:09 Kate Williamson Bramley 2007)
LV65 1:14:39 Kate Williamson Maidenhead 2012
LV75 1:26:11 Kate Williamson Witney 2021
Half Marathon SL 1:25:00 Kate Allred Edinburgh 2022
(1:26:20 Hannah Hale Oxford 2015)
(1:28:50 Hannah Hale White Horse 2014)
LV35 1:25:00 Kate Allred Edinburgh 2022
(1:26:24 Liz McAllister Oxford 2016)
(1:31:19 Sandra Wolanski Lake Vyrnwy 2003)
LV45 1:25:00 Kate Allred Edinburgh 2022
(1:28:28 Kate Allred White Horse 2022)
(1:28:59 Kate Allred Eton Dorney 2020)
(1:29:12 Kate Allred Wokingham 2019)
(1:29:30 Kate Allred Eton Dorney 2018)
(1:30:36 Kate Allred Buckingham 2018)
(1:36:11 Katherine Bates Tewkesbury 2009)
LV55 1:38:28 Katherine Bates Wokingham 2019
(1:39:55 Kate Williamson Tewkesbury 2004)
LV65 1:40:52 Kate Williamson Wokingham 2015
LV75 1:55:11 Kate Williamson White Horse 2022
Marathon SL 3:03:40 Kate Allred Abingdon 2019
(3:09:52 Nicola Bishop Manchester 2023)
(3:12:59 Hannah Hale York 2014)
LV35 3:03:40 Kate Allred Abingdon 2019
(3:11:17 Liz McAllister Abingdon 2017)
(3:16:32 Denise Bridges Abingdon 2013)
LV45 3:03:40 Kate Allred Abingdon 2019
(3:34:00 Katherine Bates London 2010)
LV55 3:32:59 Kate Williamson London 2008
LV65 3:41:09 Kate Williamson London 2012


Below are the club records for parkruns (c. 5k). Again, let Graham Bridges know if you know otherwise.

Category Who Time Where When
Men Overall Ben Cook 16:44 University Parks 11/02/2023
Women Overall Kate Allred 19:42 Hove Promenade 04/05/2019
SM Ben Cook 16:44 University Parks 11/02/2023
(Ben Cook 16:55 University Parks 12/03/2022)
(Mark Tyrrell 17:21 Oxford 29/06/2013)
MV40 Dan Lewis 17:29 Swindon 21/10/2017
(Benedict Pollard 17:35 Oxford 15/08/2015)
MV50 Graham Bridges 18:35 University Parks 28/01/2023
(Graham Bridges 18:52 Oxford 16/10/2021)
(Robert Storey 18:58 Harcourt Hill 07/12/2019)
(Graham Bridges 19:10 Morecambe Prom 03/08/2019)
(Graham Bridges 19:14 Harcourt Hill 28/05/2016)
MV60 Tony Whitlock 22:32 Oxford 22/08/2015
MV70 Paul Creasey 25:08 Oxford 06/09/2014
MV80 Paul Creasey 39:04 Oxford 30/11/2024
(Paul Creasey 39:49 Oxford 06/01/2024)
(Paul Creasey 40:36 University Parks 01/01/2024)
(Paul Creasey 40:38 Oxford 16/12/2023)
(Paul Creasey 44:41 Harcourt Hill 25/11/2023)
SL Kate Allred 19:42 Hove Promenade 04/05/2019
(Hannah Hale 20:08 Harcourt Hill 21/10/2017)
(Carly Pettett 20:58 Harcourt Hill 06/05/2017)
LV35 Kate Allred 19:42 Hove Promenade 04/05/2019
(Liz McAllister 19:43 Harcourt Hill 25/01/2020)
LV45 Kate Allred 19:42 Hove Promenade 04/05/2019
(Kate Allred 20:18 Harcourt Hill 27/10/2018)
(Kate Allred 20:33 Harcourt Hill 20/10/2018)
(Kate Allred 20:56 Harcourt Hill 05/05/2018)
LV55 Katherine Bates 21:38 Bicester 12/01/2019
(Katherine Bates 21:49 Harcourt Hill 21/01/2017)
LV65 Kate Williamson 24:06 Harcourt Hill 21/01/2017
LV75 Kate Williamson 25:26 Oxford 30/09/2023
Kate Williamson 25:26 Oxford 23/04/2022
(Kate Williamson 25:46 Oxford 29/01/2022)